Mark Brooke Hon.BSc MAIP
DPhil Candidate (Oncology) at the University of Oxford
Research Scientist Intern at Mirada Medical
Oxford, UK
Radiotherapy physics
Computational physics
Optimisation and inverse problems
Monte Carlo simulation
Programming languages & toolkits
C++, Python, MATLAB, Javascript, HTML & CSS, LaTeX, Tcl, Geant4, TOPAS
English (native), French (limited working proficiency)
2018 Ideas to Impact Fellow, Saïd Business School
2017 John Monash Scholar
2017 Cancer Research UK Oxford Centre DPhil Prize Studentship
2017 Clarendon Scholar
2017 Rhodes Scholarship Finalist for South Australia
2017 Fulbright Scholarship Finalist for Australia
2014 Prime Minister's Australia Asia Outgoing Undergraduate Award
2014,2013,2012 Faculty of Sciences Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
2012 University of Adelaide Undergraduate Scholarship
2012 University of Adelaide Principal's Scholarship
2011 Candidate for Governor of South Australia SACE Award
2011 Bragg Medal Certificate in Physics
2011 Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking (ATAR) of 99.95
2011 Australian Student Prize
2011 Royal Australian Chemical Institute Medallion
2011 Dux of Immanuel College