Mark Brooke Hon.BSc MAIP
DPhil Candidate (Oncology) at the University of Oxford
Research Scientist Intern at Mirada Medical
Oxford, UK
Radiotherapy physics
Computational physics
Optimisation and inverse problems
Monte Carlo simulation
Programming languages & toolkits
C++, Python, MATLAB, Javascript, HTML & CSS, LaTeX, Tcl, Geant4, TOPAS
English (native), French (limited working proficiency)
Download a PDF version of my CV here.
Design and implementation of scientific and mathematical methods for use in the development of Mirada’s clinical products. This includes algorithm development, specification of quantitative techniques and product validation. In addition, scientists participate in clinical collaborations, publish papers where appropriate, attend clinical and scientific meetings and can provide some sales support where appropriate.
Helped students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines to improve their mathematical ability. Subjects ranged from First to Third Year mathematics, engineering and physics.
Implemented a new algorithm for optimisation of treatment planning in radiation therapy. Resulted in coauthoring a paper: Scott Penfold et al 2017 Phys. Med. Biol. 62 3599
Internship component of Prime Minister's Australia Asia Award. Created a computer program to easily check radiotherapy monitor unit calculations. Observed a variety of clinical procedures, including surgical, laboratory work, radiotherapy and treatment planning.
Describing and visualising systems of coupled quantum oscillators. Investigating the quark structure of hadrons through computer simulations using lattice-based quantum chromodynamics.
Oversaw the day-to-day operation of the Council with the aim of facilitating professional, academic and social development opportunities through an intellectually and socially interactive community comprising approximately 400 active members and over 1,600 alumni. Was successful in lobbying for a 60% budget increase for 2019.
Assisted in coaching children on weekends and during school holidays.
Helped build the Physics PASS program in its first year. Received student leadership training. Guided students through understanding the lecture material and solving problems in first year Physics.
Represented the student cohort in meetings with lecturers and course coordinators with the goal of improving the undergraduate physics experience.
Gave campus tours and facilitated weekly group discussions with new science students, to assist in their social and academic transition into life at university.
Wrote sample exam solutions that were distributed to club members.
Thesis: incorporating biological factors in radiation therapy treatment planning.
Focuses: radiobiology, proton therapy, inverse problems, optimisation.
Extracurricular: President, Clarendon Scholars' Association; Ideas to Impact Fellow; Mens Seconds Tennis Team.
First Class Honours
GPA: 6.857 / 7.00
Extracurricular: HKU Tennis Team.
Language courses: Cantonese, Swedish.
Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank: 99.95